This is a review of my favourite albums from this wonderful list, mainly from the ethnic music sections.
Number | Genre | Artist Name - Recording Name (Year) |
1110 | Prehistoric | Fornnordiska klanger - The Sounds of Prehistoric Scandinavia (2'500'000 BC - 5'000 BC) |
1103 | Ancient Japanese | Toshiyuki Tsuchitori - Dōtaku - Ancient Japanese Bronze Bells From Yayoi Period (400 BC - 25 AD) |
1105 | Ancient Levitical | Suzanne Haïk Vantoura - La Musique De La Bible Révélée (900 BC - 500 BC) |
0000 | Khoisan Folk | Various - The Music of !Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, Africa (1962) |