Quality Over Opinion
Four minutes of spoken-word on top of a string orchestra.
During the live in Bra he couldn’t find the lyrics on his computer, so he put on some music for the crowd to wait and came back from the back stage with his phone, from which he read the lyrics for the whole song. Looks like he memorized it for the lyric video in his bathroom though, he doesn’t seem to be reading anything.
Selected quotes:
At that moment I realize I’m actually in my apartment wearing yеsterday’s clothes
Trying to make my kеyboard and mouse sing like the voices in my head
This really fits into the audiation and schizophrenia narrative tracks I’ve been in lately.
Never waiting at the inspiration train stations
Walking the rusty tracks for unimaginable miles
Past millions of filtered mediocre ideas
And trillions of dead notes
This is someone I consider an artist speaking, so it’s really like that I guess. Hopefully “dead notes” also count the millions of ghost notes in his drumming.
Quality over opinion every time
Fads die
Realness stays forever in the universe
Becoming the warm microwave background
Dead Inside Shuffle
Keyboard tone reminds me something I can’t remembre. Higher Ground?
I hear nothing calling out my name
That’s ok
Here I am fucking answering anyway
Dead inside but life’s still moving
Dead inside but I’m still doing
Not Needed Anymore
His guitaring looks like Money’s bassing, like it was the only intricate guitar part he knows because he spent the last four months on it alone.
Shallow Laughter - Bitches
These two go together as far as I can tell. The first is as heartful as a love song could be, in the mood of the album’s first track. Then follows a breakdown and the second half features as lyrics the single word “bitches”.
The live version of this was comical and mesmerizing.
A 3/4 ballad that continues with the story from Shallow Laughter I think. Nice vocal fills.
Failing in a Cool Way
Dissing, but in a healthy way.
I like it when you fail
I like that that’s ok
I like that I am failing
But in a cooler way
Also strikes some usual themes in the trap genre, with some twists.
I came from nothing to something
Unless it’s money you meant
I came from something to nothing
Discussing how to pay the rent
Most importantly, drum chops.
Bossa beat stirs back the breakup/ego death feels.
I’m Tight
Album’s most straightforward, memorable track. Basic drum groove, the bass part is not complicated but everything is correctly syncopated and the tone is perfect. Lesson learned from Money again.
This one’s will easily convert some treblesexuals to the bass.
The lyrics hook on and further elaborate Quality Over Opinion’s themes:
Here is a taste
Recording my own face
That is why I’m tight
I give a fuck
And don’t give a fuck
That is why I’m tight
Consistency, being “the real thing”.
True Love
And here we go again with the feels.
True love it shows us unexpected something in nothing
True love when it’s done the empty room goes farthеr than you see
Planet X
Stupidest melody on Weird Part of the Night-type beat.
Some poetry here:
You know I have a small white ass
But it’s changing Neptune’s path
Also a prophecy:
Please when you find planet X
Will you name it after me
At least a crater or some rocks
Can you name one after me
Louis Cole
Let Me Snack
Definitely one of the funniest tracks, on par with I’m Tight.
Those breakdown sound effects make me nostalgic of The Govt Knows.
Green album’s vibes.
Park Yout Car on My Face
Pretty sure this one is a sequel of the Thinking-Blimp-Bank Account love trilogy. That groove must be replicated.
Gurl I love that taste
Park your car right on my face
Baby pump those brakes just in case
Don’t Care
Unusual drum beat, and Genevieve on the same octave.
Laughing in Her Sleep
This one’s so, so sweet. Don’t know precisely why, but hits very close to home.
Outer Moat Behaviour
Cryptic lyrics, tight groove, chromatic movement in the bass, this is all nostalgic
Once again, relatable.
Let It Happen
Longest track in the set. A slow, very measured buildup of inevitability. Simple harmony with sapient key changes.
Interesting microtonal work on the first refrains too.
Little Piano Thing
Just what it says. A well deserved outro.