Uncle Arnold’s talk about mathematical trinities is a very fun read.
Here a summary:
Real-complex dualities
- free will vs predestination
- pi0 vs pi1
- Z2 vs Z
- modes and quasimodes vs Berry phase and integer quantum Hall effect
- S1 (projective variety) vs S2
- S1 (group) vs S3
- real vs complex trigonometric polynomial stratification
Real-complex-quaternion trinities:
- R, C, H
- E6, E7, E8
- tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron
- A3, B3, H3
- D4, F4, H4
- first three Hopf bundles
- polynomials, Laurent polynomials and modular polynomials, aka with poles at 0, 1, infinity
- numbers, trigonometric numbers, elliptic numbers
- quadratic, hermitian, hyperhermitian forms
- flat connection monodromy, vector bundle curvature, ?
- hydrodynamic helicity, Chern-Simons functional, ?
- Whitney, Chern, Pontryagin classes
- homology, K-theory, elliptic homology
- 60-60-60, 45-45-90, 30-60-90
- the 27 straight lines on a cubical surface, the 28 tangents of a quartic plane curve and the 120 tritangent planes of a canonic sextic curve of genus 4
- classical simple groups, ?, sporadic groups