Odd frequences

Studying the Fourier series decomposition of some periodic signals, I found some had, in addition of having only sine waves without cosine contribution, due to being odd, only sine waves of odd frequences. Is there any kind of physical significance to this property?

<span title='2022-08-20 15:58:22 +0200 CEST'>August 20, 2022</span>

Burke's 8 Vectors

To explain this cryptic drawing this tweet by John Baez might help. So is this all Representation Theory in Physics is about?

<span title='2022-08-20 15:58:02 +0200 CEST'>August 20, 2022</span>

Kapitza's pendulum

Periodically driving the fixed endpoint of a pendulum with sufficiently high frequency can lead to new stable configurations or to stable points turning into unstable ones. The most unexpected result is the stabilization of the inverted pendulum. Kapitza’s calculations show that the periodic force can be associated with an extra potential that changes the shape of the classical sinusoidal one. Two simple realizations correspond to fixing the endpoint’s oscillation to the vertical and horizontal axis....

<span title='2022-08-20 15:57:27 +0200 CEST'>August 20, 2022</span>

LaTex Snippets

I use vim with vim-snippets and this is my tex.snippets file with all the shortcuts.

<span title='2022-08-20 14:23:45 +0200 CEST'>August 20, 2022</span>


Sono abbastanza condensati quindi non mi aspetto che siano utili a chiunque. Metodi I, esercizi degli appunti di Guarneri: latex/pdf Oscillazioni e Onde di Prati: latex/pdf Metodi II di Cacciatori: latex/pdf Topics in Advanced Geometry B di Bazzoni (2022): latex/pdf Relatività Speciale di Haard: latex/pdf

<span title='2022-08-20 14:22:55 +0200 CEST'>August 20, 2022</span>